Honestly, I'm not exceptionally tech insightful. Truth be told, I'd even go so far as to say that I'm a technodummy. Things being what they are, the reason am I all of a sudden intrigued by Cloud?
Fundamentally, I believe I'm keen on it in light of the fact that everybody I know is putting away their information in it.
I'm ordinarily outdated concerning innovation and this is one of those times. I've been perplexed about the Cloud innovation since the time that it turned out.
My stresses fixated on the way that nothing on the Internet is truly secure despite the fact that we continue being informed that it is. My reason has been that if programmers like WikiLeaks and OpenLeaks could hack a huge number of government arranged reports and break into each sort of saving money data, then nothing on the Internet is secure.
I've additionally been compelled to admit my information could lose all sense of direction in Cloud stockpiling. There have been too often when I have sent a record that has lost all sense of direction in an Internet dark gap, or somebody is sending me a report while we're both sitting at our PCs, and its become mixed up in the ethers.
I as of late put away my music in a Cloud that is likely gliding around some place. It took a week for it to be put away and from that point forward, I haven't possessed the capacity to discover it. I know its out there some place; I simply don't know how to cut it practical and get it into my tablet.
Also, after I put away my music in the vanishing cloud, I heard that one of those Cloud information storage spaces was closing down and their clients were being requested that make other capacity plans.
I saw a great deal of posts and it seemed like controlled disorder. Individuals were worried about losing their information or that they had an excessive amount of information to move rapidly and proficiently. It seemed like mayhem judging from the force of the posts that I was perusing.
When I see things like this occurrence to the most current and most noteworthy in innovation, I'm slightly happy that I'm not all that adroit about it. It makes me move considerably more gradually until a considerable lot of the bugs are worked out before I purchase the most recent contraption.
I think I'll stay with my reinforcement arrangement of colorful floppy plates. At any rate I can see them. I can't see my music in the Cloud so I'm not in any case beyond any doubt its there, yet the floppy circles? Those I can see.
Connie H. Deutsch is a universally known business specialist and individual counsel who has a sharp comprehension of human instinct and is a characteristic issue solver.
Connie is the writer of the books, "Whispers of the Soul," "A Slice of Life," "Whispers of the Soul for the Rest of Your Life," "From Where I'm Sitting," "Are You Listening?," "Perspective from the Sidelines," "Going after the Brass Ring of Life," "Purple Days and Starry Nights," "Here and There," "And That's How it Goes," and "The Counseling
Showing posts with label KLOXO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KLOXO. Show all posts
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
Saturday, 28 March 2015
Getting It Right the First Time - The Importance of Quality in IT
There is an old saying in Information Technology which is ancient by the standards of the industry but one which nevertheless seems to need to be rediscovered anew by each successive generation.
That simple expression of wisdom is:
"Get it right the first time"
In fairness, that saying probably doesn't have its origins in IT but it is particularly true in this discipline because technical mistakes are easily made but sometimes exceptionally difficult and expensive to correct.
You simply can't have IT support staff or developers just operating on a trial and error basis when it comes to your installation. Learning on the job may have its advantages and advocates in some industries but within IT it's an approach guaranteed to yield catastrophe.
Broadly speaking, any error in Information Technology found after implementation will cost about 10 times more to put right than would have been the case had it been detected and corrected at an earlier stage in the development lifecycle.
Then there are all the additional issues arising from visibility.
Mistakes in IT technical computer support services or application development could stop your business dead in its tracks or be visible to your customers. Even if that doesn't result in a direct cost to your establishment, it may well prove to be embarrassing and also possibly detrimental to your reputation and credibility.
So, the message is clear. You really do need to ensure that your technical support personnel, whatever specialised services they are providing, get it right.
How can you make sure they do so?
Clearly you are an expert in your business and presumably want to spend your time managing it rather than becoming a technical guru and IT quality assessment supervisor. So, there is no suggestion here that you should be micro-managing the activities of your IT staff whether they are in-house or outsourced.
If you have an in-house IT shop then clearly you will be recruiting senior IT people of the highest calibre who will be able to make sure that standard industry approaches to quality assurance will be adopted at all times.
However, if you have part of your IT operation outsourced then you will need to make just as certain that you have selected IT technical support services that are expertly qualified and operate strict standards for quality assurance in everything they do. This is yet another reason why price alone should never be the prime criterion for selecting a service provider in this domain.
It's always worth asking external providers what quality assurance methodologies they adhere to and how they will make sure they "get it right the first time". If they are professional and suitably qualified they will understand your question and give you a satisfactory in-depth answer.
If they don't understand the question or are an unable to answer comprehensively, then you might want to think about perhaps looking to another organisation to entrust with your business!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=V._Sood
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8962094
Thursday, 26 March 2015
Considerations For Perfect Web Hosting
Numerous individuals find that setting up a website and picking an organization to host their websites is very much an overwhelming procedure. Nonetheless, when the right web facilitating organization is picked, the methodology can be improved significantly. Here are a couple of focuses to consider before picking a facilitating organization.
1. Technical support
Before making all needed endorsements for any web facilitating get, its vital to discover what level of client administration and technical support they find themselves able to offer. In the event that you are not in fact minded and are uncertain of how to get your website set up and facilitated, you will need to discover an organization that will be ready to perform this assignment for your sake also. There are numerous facilitating organizations that just offer backing amid normal available time, and therefore, they ought to be dodged. Continuously guarantee that the organization you pick has the capacity offer backing now and again that is advantageous for you.
2. Reinforcement Service
Loss of information can happen to anybody whenever, which is the reason its crucial to guarantee that your web facilitating supplier has the capacity furnish you with a solid reinforcement administration. This ought not just incorporate having the capacity to furnish you with duplicates of information if your website goes down for any reason; the facilitating organization you pick ought to have the capacity to restore your website to the condition it was in before it went down too.
3. Most recent Software Options
It's imperative to keep your website redesigned with the most recent accessible variants of programming. This not just guarantees that your website is as protected as could be allowed against hacking endeavors; it empowers it to be a stage in front of contender websites in the same corner. Likewise, the most redesigned adaptations of website programming will regularly give new peculiarities and an inconceivably enhanced general appearance for your website guests.
4. Client Reviews
This is likely a standout amongst the most critical perspectives to think seriously about when picking a facilitating organization. Before making all needed endorsements with any web host, its exceptionally prescribed that you perform an online hunt to figure out what level of client administration it offers. If there is by all accounts a larger number of objections than compliments accessible, it is best to decide on an alternate organization that values its clients more.
5. Cost
Albeit numerous individuals search at the least expensive cost when picking facilitating organizations, this is not the most ideal approach to settle on your last decision. Rather, it is best to spend as much as you can agreeably bear to, as this will typically guarantee that you get a high quality of client administration. By and large, the proverb of "you will get what you pay for" will likewise apply when picking a website facilitating organization.
A last indicate consider when picking an organization to host your website is to make request among partners and others in your corner in regards to the facilitating alternatives they are utilizing. When you have picked the right facilitating organization, you can anticipate getting a charge out of numerous years of brilliant administration in conjunction with a quality website.
Author: Latha.G
The author of this article has over 15 years of experience in market research of web hosting services.
Why wander a whole lot of websites to get the right information you need about web hosting?
Please visit Web Hosting.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Latha_G
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8950916
Shared Hosting Vs Dedicated VPS
Two of the most popular hosting services available today are the shared hosting and the dedicated VPS. The latter is different from dedicated hosting, but is also quite similar in many ways.
Dedicated VPS Hosting
Dedicated VPS is the closest setup one can have to owning a dedicated server. In this setup, the users are allowed to provision a remote server over the Internet. It is a kind of virtualization that enables a non-dedicated server to act as if it was. Each virtualization has its own disk space, CPU allocation, bandwidth, memory and operating systems, all independent from other users.
Comparing These 2 Hosting
Essentially, shared hosting is a physical server whose resources are shared to multiple users. Many places sell unlimited resources to each user, but there is in fact a limit to the resources available. Also, the use of those resources is first come, first serve. For this reason, looking at the cost, shared hosting is much less expensive than dedicated VPS. Multiple users cover expenditures on each machine; hence, it becomes a more economical choice. Imagine buying a car that belongs only to you versus buying a car with 100 other people. The cost is high if you purchase alone and much lower if you purchase with other people. You may have unrestricted access (unlimited resources) both ways. But in reality, if someone else is using that resource, you cannot use it at the same time.
With this, the users do not have to conduct technical maintenance to keep their sites up and running. It is so because shared hosting providers take care of service maintenance and upkeep. On a shared environment, there is little to no ability to customize the server, so if you run special programs or things with special requirements, then this is not a good choice for you. There is also some security risk to being on a server with so many people. If one person is not secure and they are hacked, it can affect the available resources or even put your own content at risk. For dedicated VPS, you can get either managed or unmanaged deals and decide how technical maintenance should be done.
In terms of cost effectiveness, there is no direct answer as to which is better when comparing shared hosting vs dedicated VPS. It is dependent on the needs to the person. True enough, shared hosting is cheaper. If you need very few resources, can share an environment with others (less secure), and do not need any customizations, then shared hosting can be a great deal. But for users needing a better array of resources at their disposal, dedicated VPS is very affordable and offers significant price savings from fully dedicated servers.
In terms of reliability, dedicated VPSs are more efficient and robust as they provide serious storage space - an affordable solution for disk intensive applications. Unlike in shared hosting, your disk space is not limited. With other VPS, you are guaranteed optimum and significantly better performance compared to shared hosting. Each has its own RAM, CPU, bandwidths and OS.
Which is better?
The answer to that question essentially relies on what your needs are. You need not pay for the more expensive rates of dedicated VPS if your site does not require so. If you are simply running a blog or a small leisure site for instance, shared hosting is a better choice. Just because in our comparison of shared hosting vs dedicated VPS the resources allocation can become a problem doesn't mean you should not opt for it. Again, it all varies and relies on your needs.
Consider buying dedicated VPS if you have increased traffic and resource usage in your site. In a typical shared hosting vs dedicated VPS comparison, it is to be expected that in a shared setup, performance issues are more prominent. Therefore, if you are planning to expand your site, grow your features and are expecting a significant flow of visitors, opt for dedicated VPS.
Yawig Corporation offers reliable and High performance Dedicated Servers for your sensitive data, Yawig provides dedicated server hosting services to the organization networks.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ara_K
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8948417
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Before starting the install Webmin + Virtualmin, you should check whether the hostname hostname is fully qualified domain name (FQDN), if not please in the first setting, because it can interfere with the installation process webmin.
1. Check the hostname
# Hostname -f
If Exit writing as above, shall mean the FQDN configuration is correct.
If still not out FQDN posts like the above, you should first set the FQDN in the / etc / hosts
# Cat / etc / hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# That require network functionality will fail.
Host1 localhost.localdomain localhost
:: 1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
Change into
# Pico / etc / hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# That require network functionality will fail.
Localhost.localdomain localhost host1.e-padi.com
:: 1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
Several methods Webmin installation on Centos linux server
1. [RECOMMENDED] Automatic Install Virtualmin + webmin with install.sh installer
a. # Wget http://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/install.sh
b. # Sh ./install.sh
c. Follow the installation process
d. If completed, access to webmin by: https: // IP_Mesin: 10000 /
Login: root
Passwd: (passwd root ssh)
2. Install webmin manually via ssh
a. Open http://www.webmin.com/download.html find the right plan for servers
b. # Wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.510-1.noarch.rpm
c. # Rpm ivh webmin-1.510-1.noarch.rpm
d. If completed, access to webmin by: https: // IP_Mesin: 10000 /
Login: root
Passwd: (passwd root ssh)
3. Install Webmin + Virtualmin manual
a. # Wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.580.tar.gz
b. # Gunzip webmin-1.500.tar.gz
c. # Tar xf webmin-1.500.tar
d. # Cd webmin-1.500
e. # ./setup.sh / Usr / local / webmin
4. Install virtualmin / webmin with yum / repository
a. # Vi /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo
b. Paste the code below gets under file /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo
name = Webmin Neutral Distribution
# baseurl = http: //download.webmin.com/download/yum
mirrorlist = http: //download.webmin.com/download/yum/mirrorlist
enabled = 1
Finish by saving the file in a way: "ESC +" type "wq!" + Enter
c. Download key
# Wget http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc
# Rpm --import-key.asc jcameron
# Rm -rf jcameron-key.asc
d. Start install webmin
# Yum install webmin
e. Wait until the install is complete, If completed, access to webmin by: https: // IP_Mesin: 10000 /
Login: root
Passwd: (passwd root ssh)
Similarly tutorial on how to install Webmin on Linux Centos VPS.
Hope it is useful.
source : tipsonliner | alhub service | duta teknologi
1. Check the hostname
# Hostname -f
If Exit writing as above, shall mean the FQDN configuration is correct.
If still not out FQDN posts like the above, you should first set the FQDN in the / etc / hosts
# Cat / etc / hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# That require network functionality will fail.
Host1 localhost.localdomain localhost
:: 1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
Change into
# Pico / etc / hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# That require network functionality will fail.
Localhost.localdomain localhost host1.e-padi.com
:: 1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
Several methods Webmin installation on Centos linux server
1. [RECOMMENDED] Automatic Install Virtualmin + webmin with install.sh installer
a. # Wget http://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/install.sh
b. # Sh ./install.sh
c. Follow the installation process
d. If completed, access to webmin by: https: // IP_Mesin: 10000 /
Login: root
Passwd: (passwd root ssh)
2. Install webmin manually via ssh
a. Open http://www.webmin.com/download.html find the right plan for servers
b. # Wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.510-1.noarch.rpm
c. # Rpm ivh webmin-1.510-1.noarch.rpm
d. If completed, access to webmin by: https: // IP_Mesin: 10000 /
Login: root
Passwd: (passwd root ssh)
3. Install Webmin + Virtualmin manual
a. # Wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.580.tar.gz
b. # Gunzip webmin-1.500.tar.gz
c. # Tar xf webmin-1.500.tar
d. # Cd webmin-1.500
e. # ./setup.sh / Usr / local / webmin
4. Install virtualmin / webmin with yum / repository
a. # Vi /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo
b. Paste the code below gets under file /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo
name = Webmin Neutral Distribution
# baseurl = http: //download.webmin.com/download/yum
mirrorlist = http: //download.webmin.com/download/yum/mirrorlist
enabled = 1
Finish by saving the file in a way: "ESC +" type "wq!" + Enter
c. Download key
# Wget http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc
# Rpm --import-key.asc jcameron
# Rm -rf jcameron-key.asc
d. Start install webmin
# Yum install webmin
e. Wait until the install is complete, If completed, access to webmin by: https: // IP_Mesin: 10000 /
Login: root
Passwd: (passwd root ssh)
Similarly tutorial on how to install Webmin on Linux Centos VPS.
Hope it is useful.
source : tipsonliner | alhub service | duta teknologi
Kloxo-MR 7 is fork Kloxo LXCenter original project and developed by Mustafa Ramadan, the "MR". MR Kloxo not only bug fixes from Kloxo but has many additional features such as the ability to switch to Nginx server. It's fun to see Kloxo get some improvements and more advanced
spec :
Here's how to install Kloxo-MR 7, propagate Centos 5.6 32 bit or 64 bit version on your server and follow these steps:
The installation process Kloxo-MR 7
First, update CentOS 5/6 32 or 64-bit:
# Yum -y update
Install the required packages:
# Yum install yum-utils yum-priorities vim-minimal subversion curl zip unzip -y
# Yum -y install telnet
Disable SELinux:
# Setenforce 0
# Echo 'selinux = disabled'> / etc / selinux / config
Download KloxoMR repo:
# Cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
# wgethttps://github.com/mustafaramadhan/kloxo/blob/rpms/release/neutral/noarch/mratwork-release-0.0.6-2.noarch.rpm --no-check-certificate
# Cd /
Install KloxoMR:
# Yum install -y kloxomr7
Now, run the installer:
# Sh / script / upcp
It will ask you whether you want to install as a slave or master.
Select option 1 (Master) and click enter. Only that. Reboot the server after installation is complete.
# reboot
Visit serverip: 7778 in your web browser to view the control panel and
The default username and password is "admin".
source : tipsonliner | alhub service | duta teknologi
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